老樹見證四季的美麗循環,強壯的樹枝像雙手擁抱校園,亦如同是師長溫暖的雙手守護著學子成長茁壯,大象不停對著記憶澆灌的歡樂的水滴,成為滋養四季的能量。 百年老樹與大象也因大家的守護得以永存,校園的歷史照片帶領新學子傳承龍潭國小橫跨三世紀的榮耀,期許學子未來在老樹與大象的守護之際繼續開創光榮 。
As the seasons pass, the school’s century-old tree, with its strong branches stretched over the school, represents the warm guardianship of the students there. The artwork will look over the students much in the same way. Using the elephant reflects another key historical element of Longtan Elementary School – terrazzo elephant slide. It has symbolized the strength and wisdom of this campus, values in which this artwork endeavors to fortify.