整體構件取之於學校校徽之元素轉化,傳達學校辦學讓開朗熱情愛,鋪灑在每一顆種子上;頂部設置二支紙飛機高低空飛行構成「G」型體,傳達綠色生態意境,另設置一展翅飛翔之「過嶺鳥」增添歡樂感, 主體「S」型態展現學校重視科技教學之成效。
The whole structure is taken from the transformed elements in the school logo. The two paper planes flying on the top, and the flight path formed the “G” shape symbolizes the green ecology. On the other side, the “GL bird” is located to increase the happiness. The main body is in the shape of “S” to metaphor science.