1. 你一拋,我一甩,轉啊轉!
2. 瞧!那顆色彩最鮮豔的木製陀螺正頂尖漩之、卓立於地。那正是大溪高中孕育莘莘學子們卓越創新、批判思考、服務社會、關懷世界的象徵。
3. 花木扶疏、蟬鳴鳥語,無車馬之喧囂、無絲竹之亂耳。輔以規則波浪狀的形式賦予熱情、奔放之巴洛克曲線,正是在此充滿百年文物風情的大溪區上,對依山傍水並結合地方人文特色及現代國際化風格的大溪高中,最佳的寫照。
4. 轉動溪望、航向康莊。「蹲者」專注的眼神、「跑者」靈活的姿態、「站者」掌握繩轉動間的技巧。
5. 作品以「陀螺」為主體,將溪高精神表徵的校徽,象徵著大溪高中營造師生雙贏、追求卓越之教育典範。
1. You throw, I swing, swivel spin!
2. Look! That colorful wooden spinning top is swiveling firmly on the ground. It symbolizes students innovation, critical thinking, social caring and world concerning cultivated by DXSH.
3. There are flourishing flowers towering trees, whirring cicada and chirping birds, without hustle and bustle as well as disturbing noises. Thanks to the regular wavy patterns for passionately enthusiastic Baroque curves, it is the best portrait of Daxi Senior High School, with a campus surrounded by water and mountain, a combination of regional characteristics of humanities as well as its modern international style in the towns of Daxi District, the cultural relics over centuries.
4. Hopes is on the way; sailing to the vast future. “The Crouching Person”-Gaze with full concentration; “The Running Person- Flexible gesture; “The Standing Person” – On top of the techniques of the spinning string.
5. The piece of art of “Spinning Top” represents the spirit of Daxi Senior High School. The emblem symbolizes a win-win solution for both teachers and students, and the education paradigm to strive for excellence.