水火箭之意象為傳達重點,表現學校辦學用堅毅沈著力,成就於孩子們的學習; 休憩座椅型態取之於學校校徽之「G」元素轉化,象徵校園綠色生態特色,頂部另設置一展翅飛翔之「過嶺鳥」,強化過嶺學生前途光明及增添公共藝術作品之趣味。
The “water rocket” symbolizes the forward-looking nature of the school and embodies the spirit of perseverance, determination, and hope of our students. The “G” shape of the lounge seat symbolizes the green ecology of the campus. The overall purpose is to express the bright future of our students and the purity of their hearts.