天鳶翱翔於天際,展開雙翼、奮力升空, 盤旋於空中鳥瞰大地,蘊含國軍於空中照看國家疆土之護民之心,以天鳶之姿體現國軍精準確實之訓練與深厚戰鬥實力,成為國家背後強大棟樑。
The Milvus Migrans (Black Kite) hovers in the sky: it spreads its wings, takes flight, and soars in the open air. Circling high above, it watches over the land. This reflects the firm determination of the Air Force to guard. Its nation and land. With the heroic gestures of the Black Kite, the work demonstrates the precise, solid training of the Air Force, and its profound strengths for all combats, showing how it serves as the strongest backbone power that guards the nation.