作品《堡.衛》將化學元素表中之元素以五邊形與六邊形結合,表達出一百一十八種化學元素,再加上「陸軍化學兵學校」的校徽與代表圖像,共同排列組合成堡壘的造型,象徵陸軍化學兵保衛台灣安全的意象。兩側為進入堡壘之出入口,堡壘空間之內壁作為展示空間的牆面,可供學員陳列為學校拍攝的攝影作品或學校的歷史影像,甚至校園內的風景攝影作品,成為「陸軍化學兵學校」全新的特色景點。 作品《堡.衛》使用化學元素中的六角形之「空間桁架」加上不鏽鋼板排列出堡壘造型的元素表,各個以鏤空、切割的形式雕塑,當陽光照射時,元素符號的形象光影照映於地面,隨著太陽東起西落,投射出各個不同的元素,迴盪在此公共藝術空間內,點綴出化學元素本身無法呈現的美感。
“FORT-TECT” is a public art installation inspired from the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. With a meticulous design combining numerous of pentagon and hexagon forms, the periodic table was turned into a fort-like installation, which consists of all 118 chemical elements as well as the emblem and badge of R.O.C Army Chemical School. The shape of fort symbolizes how the corps is protecting our homeland, Taiwan. On two sides of the installation are the entrances into the fort, and the space inside of the fort offers students a place to exhibit their works, including photographs, historical images of school, and pictures of scenery in the campus. “FORT-TECT” has become one of the distinctive features of R.O.C Army Chemical School. The art installation features its special designed of “Space Truss”, using the hexagonal elements and stainless steel plates to compose the Periodic Table into a fort-like hemisphere. When the sunlight falls upon the surface, each hollow carved polygon would cast light onto the ground, and create different chemical elements as the daylight changes. The different patterns of lights and shadows embellish the space within the installation, bringing out a distinct beauty from the chemical elements.