“乘.光.飛.行" 為一造型流線優美的飛行器,以如蛛網般的輕盈鋼索和巨型的環形透鏡為骨架,以陽光做為動能,開展神奇的超音速溯光之旅。機身骨架部分為隨著光源變化綻放璀璨色光的環形透鏡,造型概念取自故宮所收藏的透亮簡潔具現代感的玉璧,使其有著穿越古今的時空旅行寓意,從桃園國際空港曾有的光華再出發,向未來新紀元引航。
“Solar Sonic” is inspired by aeronautics and the streamlined structure of jet aircraft. The taut cables form a tensile skeleton-like fuselage that holds in place the circular glass discs. The chromatic glass facets are laminated with coated film that interacts with light to reflect brilliant colors, demonstrating the power of solar energy. Made from high-tech materials, the simple and timeless shape of the discs evokes a modern Bi. “Solar Sonic” honors the ancient concepts of travel machines while heralding the new era of supersonic, solar-powered space travel.